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Modern Slavery Policy


This policy has been produced and is pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes KUSAB LTD’S slavery and human trafficking statement and the steps we have taken to ensure we eradicate this from within any part of our business including partners and supply chains.

Our Organisation

KUSAB LTD has a zero tolerance approach to non-ethical practices and is committed to acting with integrity and professionalism in all areas of business. We have policies and practices in place to help combat modern day slavery, human trafficking and forced labour. We endeavour to ensure that our supply chains promote and enforce all of our key values and eliminate any slavery, human trafficking or forced labour within its core business and within its own suppliers.


KUSAB LTD has a number of policies which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in any of our business activities.

These include:

  • Quality assurance Policy which sets out internal requirements for the way our business is conducted. This policy also reiterates how as a responsible company we encourage staff to report concerns including any related to modern slavery/trafficking and child or forced labour or other such criminal activity.
  • Safeguarding Policy which makes it clear what our organisation will do to keep children and vulnerable adults safe.

All our company directors and employees have received training in how to identify and deal with any circumstances which raise concern as to the welfare of any person/s under the modern slavery act 2015. We have internal and external reporting mechanisms for any suspected breaches of our policy both inside and outside of the workplace.

All our company policies including this one are reviewed and updated as necessary on an annual basis.